Sunday, April 26, 2009

GRADE A Extra Large Eggs!

They say "misery loves company" and I say when it comes to IVF, company causes misery! Trust me on this one, having 22 follicles of various sizes living in your ovaries is NOT comfortable!

Yes, the doctor measured 22 follicles this morning! They are all at different levels of maturity- some are very tiny and some are ready to go! To be exact we have 5 that are considered fully mature. There are 4 more that are very close to being fully mature so the doctor has recommended going one more day on the Follistim. No matter what size they are, they will be retrieving all of them- you never know who may grow! (We are calling the little guys the runts...)

So our schedule is as follows:

Tonight: Follistim & Lupron as usual

Monday morning: Lupron
Monday @ exactly 7:30 p.m.: hcG trigger shot (to start the release)

Tuesday: NO SHOTS!!! YIPPEE!

Wednesday: 8 am Retrieval

Out of curiosity I asked the doctor how many follicles on average they retrieve from their patients. He said it depends on the age of the patient, but that an average would be 12. So, I feel good that we are above average (for once!)

Anyway, I am bloated to the max and having to watch for dangerous signs of hyperstimulation at this point- we are pushing it to the limit! They have recommended drinking Gatorade and watching for reduced urination and sudden weight gain.


FATIGUE- I am amazingly tired! I have been sleeping like I'm in a coma! I feel asleep at 5:30 on Friday evening- woke up for a few hours to get my shots and eat and then slept until 1 on Saturday afternoon! Today, I slept from 1:30-5:30 and I still feel like I could go to bed early! I did ask the nurse about it and she said this is very normal as a side effect for Follistim.

BRUISING- No 2 piece for me! My tummy is scary! I sent a few of you my glamour shot...Brad thinks it's too gross to post, but I might anyway! It's unbelievable! One night I actually saw it starting to bruise as soon as I finished the shot!!! WEIRD! Glad I'm almost finished with tummy shots- I'm running out of places to poke!

Tomorrow is my last session and I am thankful! It's been an interesting experience and for some reason I think it has helped! At least it's made me feel like I am doing something extra to help in this crazy process...

So, I'll keep you posted...

1 comment:

  1. YAY for a great ultrasound! I know you have to be feeling pretty uncomfortable with that many eggs growing in there!! Drink up on the gatorade and make sure to eat a lot of protein!! Can't wait for Wednesday :)
