Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Morning at UMC

Ultrasound & acupuncture in the morning...I'm not really nervous, just kinda ready to get the show on the road!

I did start reading over the side effects and warnings of Follistim. Probably should have skipped that...especially the part where they can literally hyperstimulate me to death...scary. But, I do feel thankful/relieved that I am using a drug for its intended use! (At one time in this crazy journey I was taking drugs for both menopausal women with breast cancer and young boys with undescended testicles!) (Sorry, here's where the T.M.I. is in full effect!) I am always a little nervous when I start a new drug- it's kinda like "hmm, I wonder what will happen if I take this?" It's hard not to feel like a science experiment...

Anyway, the ultrasound tech said it will only take about 5 minutes in the morning, so I don't expect it to be very eventful- it just feels like the starting line! Plus, going to 2 shots per night will really make me feel productive (hopefully reproductive!!!) (Couldn't resist.)

Please pray for tolerable side effects, a good attitude and most of all for this to work!!! Go BABY!

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