Saturday, March 28, 2009

I Never Liked Science...

...and here I am, living in a science experiment!

I really want to keep track of all the little details of this incredible "science experiment" and, of course, want to keep you all updated on where we are...I will try to explain things as concisely and clearly as possible and attach links that I have found helpful in understanding all of this. It's new to us, too!

I don't know what all these shots and drugs are going to do to me, but have seen (through past drugs, treatments) how powerful hormones can be! So, cyberspace seems to be a safe place for us to "talk" about things! You can be in the comfort of your own home or office, far away from my emotional roller coaster!

So, I will start giving myself shots at home next Thursday. I am going back and forth on this- some days I am very brave and planning just how I will do it (quickly and with my eyes closed) and then more days than not, I am imagining the needle in slow motion puncturing vital organs with its powerful 1 inch reach. Then I start wondering who I can hire to give me a shot every day for the next several weeks.

I had the idea of asking for volunteers- something like "Have you ever dreamed of giving someone a shot? Well, here's your chance!" (Sign up now- I'm thinking of getting some "Have You Given a Friend a Shot Today?" shirts made) (or at least stickers!) If you are interested, no experience required...

Yes, I have decided to pursue yet another career- this one as a human pin cushion! Between shots & acupuncture, I'll be my own strainer! Research shows that acupuncture seems to have a positive effect on IVF for a variety of reasons. We're determined to give this our best shot, so I'm trying it! Kind of excited to see how it feels and hopefully how it works...we'll see. Supposedly it just feels like a bit of pressure where the pins are...I'll let you know on that one...

1 comment:

  1. Bridget Jerrye and I are praying hard for both of you. We love you dearly. wt
