Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Bracing for Side Effects...

So I'm feeling pretty good. I started wondering if Lupron is doing anything (instead of just being grateful that I seem to be tolerating well!) I looked up side effects again and some of the info says that the side effects start a week to 2 weeks after your first shot so I'm getting ready. Right now my tummy is just spongy- seems like I'm retaining a lot of water.

I'm still doing well with shots. The person who is MOST impressed with my shot-giving skills is (by far)- myself! Every time I do one I am so proud!!! I just REALLY did not think I could do it! I keep asking Brad "Aren't you amazed that I did it?" "Aren't I doing good?" For those of you who received my video, you KNOW I'm proud-I mean I actually recorded it! Anyway, it's starting to be a normal part of my day, so I promise to quit bragging soon...

The only change I have noticed is bruising. A couple of bruises have appeared from acupuncture and my tummy is starting to look like someone has mistaken me for the Pillsbury Dough Boy and just kept poking me (hard) (love those crescent rolls!) I'm not giggling, but it's not so bad...

Acupuncture on Monday was fine- I had to lay on my stomach the whole time (which is a little uncomfortable) and I felt like I was lying there FOREVER! I just can't seem to relax! There is just something unnerving about knowing your back is covered in needles...Dr. P said that she is treating my uterus when I lay on my stomach- increasing blood flow, etc...Yea! She told me something!

I didn't get in trouble for anything this time and I tried the strategy of asking Kimeisha (the nurse) the questions...(I asked her what they call the "jumper cables" and she said that's exactly what they are---she also confirmed that the current is electricity...) Nancy has nicknamed Dr. Payne "Pokemon"- I think it's going to stick. (No pun intended...)

I'll go back to acupuncture on Thursday and will get to lay on my back then (we alternate) so I'm going to TRY to relax!

That's all for now! Thanks for reading and for being a part of this journey. Please keep praying!!!


  1. this is a test run for your illiterate mother!

  2. lol! love the barbie. i can't believe mom is blgging! way to go, we are proud of your journey!
