Friday, April 24, 2009


Ultrasound this morning- looking good, ovaries! Right ovary has 6 large (almost mature) follicles and little leftie had 8 big ones! Take that, Octo-mom!

Reagan and Brad came with me to my ultrasound and got to view the "pre-babies." It was really cool to look at those little black spots on the screen and wonder if we were looking at the early beginnings of our baby (or babies). Again I will say, having a baby is a MIRACLE! (I will pause here so you can all go hug your baby or rub your preggers bellies...;)

Several of them were nearing maturation, but the goal is to get as many as possible at the time of retrieval. So, we will check back with an ultrasound and more blood work on Sunday morning. My blood work today showed that I had reached 762. I have no idea what this means but they said it was good and everything was right on track.

Now before you run out and buy us 14 onesies (Take that, John & Kate Plus 8!) let me explain the future of these amazing little follicles...We are thinking that on Tuesday or Wednesday retrieval will occur. This is the big step. A little scary, probably quite uncomfortable but VERY important. They will remove all of the mature follicles. They then go to the lab and get mixed with daddy's contribution (nicest way to say this i think?!) and then we watch. For 5 days we bite our fingernails and get daily reports on who fertilizes, who is growing, etc...

NOT all of them will fertilize and not all will thrive. Of those that do, we will transfer only 2. Ethical standards allow up to 3 to be transferred at a time, but our doctor will only transfer 2 since I am young and healthy. (Other fertilized embryos will be frozen for future transfers.) He reminded us that the best case scenario is for 1 to implant- we're going for a "singleton" because medical complications occur more frequently with multiples...

So- that's where we are- I'll let you know how we look on Sunday...they will tell us then the day of the retrieval...

OH- I have had one brave soul (finally) give me a shot! Go LEXY! She really liked it but I think she wished it was a bigger dosage so it would last longer! So, who's next?

1 comment:

  1. Shaun and I are praying for you and Brad and your future little ones every night! So excited that your ultrasound went so well this morning! YAY!!!
