Sunday, May 3, 2009

Misusing Medical Vocabulary & Eating Cheese Dip in Bed

Morula Stage...It just sounds ominous doesn't it? Day 4 for embryos is called morula stage (or "minerva stage" as Brad explained to me after retrieval...) If you want to learn more about the stages follow the link I have posted on the right hand side of this page---- this website has been a great resource for us! We don't get a call today because apparently the embryos don't like to be looked at on day 4- they are busy trying to become BLASTOCYSTS!!!!

Blastocyst has become a very popular word in our house...We use it in all kinds of scenarios- when you stub your toe, you scream "BLASTOCYST!" When you are petting the dog, you say "You're such a sweet little blastocyst..." etc., etc. Please feel free to try to use the word blastocyst in a sentence today- completely out of the context of what it really is, of course! I guess it's just our way of admitting it's consuming our minds without having to talk about it seriously! (Look at me analyzing myself... isn't that just blastocystic?) (it really is a great word, isn't it?!)

Anyway, I am still much more comfortable when I am lying down- that retrieval was a little tougher than they prepped us for (probably a good strategy on their part). So me and Gracie and Rudder are getting lots of quality time together laying in the bed drinking G2, reading and playing ridiculous amounts of solitaire on my iPhone. If I don't change out of my pajamas today I think Brad is going to disown me. My favorite quote from when he picked up Mexican for us last night (sweet hubby, huh?) was "You cannot eat cheese dip in the bed!" (He knows that I indeed can and would if allowed...apparently we have decided to at least pretend we are adults these days...) (Blastocyst!)

So, on Thursday night we began progesterone shots. Yes, that means I had one day off of shots, one day of a not so comfortable retrieval and then shots again...These shots however are not subcutaneous. (See, I do know other words besides blastocyst...) (Oh- subcutaneous are like the ones in my tummy or you can do them in your leg...) These shots are IM- intramuscular- meaning you have to have someone stab them into the muscle in your rear end (the upper outer quadrant, to be exact). Well, as you know, sweet Sharon Brown did my trigger shot (IM) for me and then did Thursday and Friday nights of the progesterone shots. Brad had pointed out that I am going to have to have these shots for some time so we better learn how to do them ourselves! I am saddened by this because Sharon is such a great shot giver- she is quick and I barely even felt the huge needle! (I am also comforted by the fact that if I pass out she will know what to do with me!) But I know Brad is right, we must learn to shoot up, just the 2 of us....

So last night I realize the hour had arrived and I start to see if I could give it to myself- you know, looking in the rear view mirror (pun intended- you're welcome). When I start to think it may not be that good of an idea, I go in the kitchen and make brownies (because what else do you want to do after looking at your own huge rear end?) So then I call sweetly up the stairs that it is time for my shot. He runs down a little too eagerly and I know that this is going to hurt. Remember, this is the man who was telling me that I just had to "commit" and get it in there! This is a through and through BULL IN A CHINA SHOP. So we get everything together and I am reminding him that he doesn't have to get it far in- just in ENOUGH...I lean against the counter and he is taking a minute (think he's trying to sneak up on me- he thinks this is a good strategy) Then he tries to start asking me a questions about something else (another strategy) and I say just do it. And he does. And I scream "BLASTOCYST!" No, I didn't, but that would have been funny. I just tried to keep breathing and was telling him to quit wiggling it around and pushing the progesterone in so hard!!!!

You see, the progesterone is in oil which makes for a very thick shot and a very large needle. The small 1 inch needles that I once feared would puncture all my internal organs are now just sweet, sweet memories... I am starting to think that at this stage in the process they are just messing with me, testing my commitment because I know there are other ways to take progesterone... I'm imagining them saying, "Hey let's fill some little vials with vegetable oil, charge them $70 for them and give them some huge needles to inject it with- at home! In her rear end! Every night for at least 3 weeks!" Insert evil laugh here.

No, actually after it was over it was fine. Brad did a good job and didn't pass out himself. I shared my brownies with him and asked him sweetly to not do it quite so hard tomorrow...we'll see how it goes.

Let you know tomorrow about the embryos- pray hard tonight that we have several blastocysts. We have read that between day 3 and day 5 some will arrest (stop growing). We just pray that as many as are able will thrive! We will know tomorrow about transfer details...PLEASE pray!


  1. this never gets old. I have't quite decided if I am constantly checking the blog throughout the day to hear about the "BLASTOCYTES" or whether I want to see what goofy story you and Brad with come up with that day. I've decided it is for both reasons but mostly for my little runts. Glad to hear Brad finally was brave enough to "shoot you up" after many night of watching you heroically do it yourself. Miss yall, love yall, and thanking yall for keeping the blog so well updated so that I can stay sane during finals! PRAYING WITHOUT CEASING! i love my wild family =)

  2. P.S. cheese dip can so be eaten in bed, Bradley.
