Monday, May 4, 2009


This time tomorrow I will be housing 2 little blastocysts in my uterus! Yippee!

Our report for the day came around 9:30 this morning. Betsy called asked how I was feeling - I was like "yea, yea bloated, sore, fine- tell me the news." She said "Are you ready for the update?" and my heart sank--- they really should think through how they say even the little things! Anyway, the report was great- we have 2 embryos that are 8-10 cells and are "ok" quality. We will give them another day...Then, we have 6 embryos that are good quality and are in a sort of pre-blastocyst stage so they should be ready for tomorrow! We have set transfer for 1:30 p.m. and will put 2 of the "best" quality embryos in- this has to do with the measurement of the cells, etc. I don't understand it all...

I am SO ready! This is the last step and also the scariest. They will either attach or not. There is nothing we can do- just PRAY! They have all behaved so nicely I want to believe they will keep up the good work! I think we are both very guarded at this point- Brad maybe too much. I am hoping that we can stay positive for the next week and deal with whatever results we get then! At least it looks like we will have a few to freeze for future transfers so I won't have to do all those stimulating drugs there's the silver lining if the news is not what we hope for...

I am prepared for at least 24 hours of bed rest. Our doctor doesn't require it, but I have read a lot about it- mixed opinions, I just feel like it can't hurt...So, I've been to Barnes & Noble- got five books and Nancy brought me 3 movies...I should be covered. (This is what it takes to keep a busybody busy!) (and my mind off babies as much as possible) (impossible)

So pray specifically that we will still have plenty of healthy embryos to choose from tomorrow, that Dr. Hines will have a nice steady catheter and not upset my uterine lining and that our little blasts will grab with all their might and make a cozy home in my womb! (We have been joking about giving them nice accommodations with their own pool to live in and a 9 month lease! Who wouldn't want to live there!?) Anyway, Dr. Hines says to hope for a singleton, but let's pray for them both...

Tomorrow shouldn't be bad- I've actually had a test run of this procedure and done it once as an insemination- I'm an old pro at this one! Should be up to blogging- will do so from bed...


p.s. Added a link about embryo transfer if you want to know what we'll be up to tomorrow!


  1. We are praying!! Can't wait to hear about tomorrow.

  2. So how did you sleep last night? I didn't get much. I'm excited for you!
